субота, 2. јул 2016.

Krka National Park - Skradinski Buk

Krka National Park covers a large area of forests, lakes and rivers and has several entrances. In my opinion the most magnificent is Skradinski Buk waterfall.

There are two entrace; Lozovac and Skradin. We parked our car at the Skradin and there we bought tickets for a boat excursion. Also I must say that is Skradin is very beautiful small town.

The Skradinski Buk is the longest and the loveliest waterfall on the Krka river. This huge waterfall is actually a concentrated series of smaller waterfalls.
There is the wooden bridge that take you into the deep forest, but for me the most interesting was swimming in the cold water at the bottom of the Skradinski Buk. That was amazing experience!

There are plenty of visitor facilities, including pay toilets, an outdoor restaurant and souvenir shops, where I bought swimming suit, because i couldn't resist just to watch others in the water. 

In addition to this one amazing waterfall and the scenic boardwalk, Krka National Park consists of many other, different areas. There are various hiking trails and waterfalls, as well as an old monastery and Roman ruins.

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